Vancouver, Washington - Main Street Corridor Improvement Plan


Working with Harper Houf Peterson Righellis, Crandall Arambula developed a Main Street Corridor Improvement Strategy that builds downtown business vitality and strengthens downtown retail. The project’s goals include improving the streetscape; enhancing pedestrian and visual connections to active areas, including the Convention Center, waterfront, parks, and open spaces; creating a safe and secure pedestrian-friendly environment that attracts shoppers, families, and children; improving parking and automobile connections; incorporating public art; and preserving the street’s historic character.

For Vancouver’s Main Street, Crandall Arambula provided:

  • Retail Strategy – Outlines steps needed to ensure that Main Street fulfills the fundamental requirements for a great retail street

  • Development Standards – Provides regulatory requirements needed to implement the retail strategy

  • Fundamental Design Guidelines – Addresses issues of building character including context, wall materials, and form and massing

  • Streetscape Requirements – Identifies the required design vocabulary to be used for Main Street