Lincoln City, Oregon - Oceanlake Neighborhood Festival Street Site


Crandall Arambula provided the Lincoln City Urban Renewal Agency with a conceptual ‘Main Street’ town center urban design. For a ‘catalyst’ parcel along NW 15th Street within the OceanLake Town Center, a site design and market feasibility assessment was created. The City is currently marketing the site to developers for sale or lease, consistent with concepts identified for the town center main street and the catalyst site.

‘Main Street’ Corridor Concept — The corridor concept was developed as part of a community charrette. It reflects the consensus of stakeholders, the general public, and the City. It illustrates a way to improve the commercial identity of the corridor and enhance ‘festival’ streetscape improvements between U.S. 101 and the Harbor Avenue public beach access that were completed previously as an initial town center revitalization action.

Anchor Commercial Site Concept — The concept for the development site is envisioned to include two two-story commercial buildings with a courtyard between the structures. A Northwest beach ‘cottage style’ architectural vernacular was prescribed through design guidelines.

Financial Concept — A financial assessment of the Anchor commercial site included an order of magnitude cost estimates and return on equity estimates.