Missoula, Montana - Downtown Master Plan and Complete Streets Framework
Crandall Arambula developed a plan for downtown Missoula that balances residential and commercial uses, significantly reduces auto travel, and stimulates local economic development. The plan identifies compatible land uses and circulation patterns to create a safe environment with increased retail, parking, housing, restaurants, arts and cultural opportunities, and outdoor amenities.
The corridor recommendations:
Provide direction for improving access to businesses and neighborhoods and creating a safe pedestrian environment
Improve the corridor’s commercial/retail character
Create an improved pedestrian and bicycle environment and incorporate complete street principles
Establish a premier investment environment
The Higgins Street Improvements included a road diet from four to three lanes; installing a protected bikeway and buffer zone between on-street parking and the sidewalk; providing landscaped curb extensions, new crosswalks, pedestrian-scaled lighting, and street trees; and signal upgrades.
Services Provided:
Project Management
Complete Streets Planning
Integrated Land Use Planning
Protected Bikeway 30% Design & Preliminary Cost Estimates
Public Involvement Facilitation