Minneapolis, Minnesota - GOLD Line BRTOD Plans
Crandall Arambula prepared Bus Rapid Transit Oriented Development (BRTOD) Plans for the planned eleven-station ten-mile METRO Gateway Corridor Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit project in Ramsey and Washington counties.
The overarching purpose of the BRTOD Plans was to coordinate planning and policy development along the entire Corridor to enhance opportunities for economic development and improve ridership. The stations are located in a wide range of community types and real estate markets; from downtown Saint Paul, to a historic urban neighborhood, to a 1970s manufactured home park, to corporate campuses, and commercial areas ready for infill and re-development opportunities. TOD potential and type vary greatly by station.
The larger planning effort ensured that individual community visions for each station were integrated to form a cohesive corridor-wide TOD plan. Each station’s plan identifies the strategy needed to establish transit-orient development around the BRTOD station, meeting the needs of the local community. The BRTOD plans also identify the local infrastructure investments and policy changes needed to achieve the larger vision of a vibrant and transit-supportive community.
Development, Circulation, and Implementation Plans
The development framework provides a blueprint for the type and location of industrial, office employment, workforce housing, and neighborhood-serving uses that contribute to a unique district incorporating housing options mixed with commercial development to serve the district and adjacent neighborhood. Parks and open spaces serve as amenities and a focus for high-quality development. A central feature of the circulation plan is a ‘signature street’ that serves all modes, preserves neighborhood livability by directing district traffic away from neighborhood streets, and creates a district ‘front door’ providing businesses with a prominent address. The signature street is served by a walkable local street grid and mixed-mode accessways to serve the development.